Less Than One Month …

I will defend my PhD on the 11th of June.  It’s less than one month away now.

I set my defense date back in February, but it wasn’t until last week that I realized that the end is near and I am starting to feel ready to graduate.  Most of the dissertation is written at this point, although there are many things that I would still like to add into it and many more rounds of editing that I am sure I will do.  I send the second half to Herbert this evening so he can send me his comments (he’s already made comments on the first half).  After I get comments back from Herbert, I will send it off to my committee!

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4 Responses to “Less Than One Month …”

  1. shaydlip Says:

    Good luck, but it’s really not as bad as you might think. xoxoxoxo

  2. Andrés N. Robalino (@androbtech) Says:


  3. bfasy Says:

    Yup! My defense is the only thing left between “Ms. Brittany Fasy” and “Dr. Brittany Fasy”. It is just two weeks and 3 days away …

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