Arrival in Shanghai

I am told that the plethora of good things that come my way is unfair.  I have just come to expect luck to be on my side.  For example, yesterday, I lost my phone in the airport.  I knew it was found and didn’t worry, so I calmly called myself and heard someone else answer.  Then, when I walked onto the plane and was given a new seat: in first class, with fully reclining seats, I was extremely grateful, but not surprised.  What I was surprised to find out was that my flight was 12 hours long!  (I didn’t pay attention to this detail before …)

In first class, they greeted me with a mimosa and pajamas.  So, I put on the pajamas.  Shortly into the flight, one-by-one, the flight attendants came over to check out the new Delta pajamas (turns out I was the only one who put them on, and this was the first flight that they offered them on!)  As usual, I befriended the entire cabin crew before the end of the 12 hour flight, and now I have super-comfy new PJs.

The food was super good in the first class cabin: smoked trout appetizer, a lamb dinner, and an ice cream bar (which I opted out of).  There were a few other things too.  The chair fully reclined, and was more comfortable than most hotel beds that I’ve slept in.

Then, I arrived in Shanghai and took a bus from one airport to another (about 1 hour bus ride). On this bus ride, I saw the largest billboard that I have ever seen.  It was about five times as tall as billboards usually are wide.  And, it hung over the highway, where there were three or four lanes of traffic in each direction and a huge median.

And, finally, after checking into my hotel, I ordered my first authentic (as authentic as an airport hotel restaurant that also serves pizza can be) Chinese dish: Shanghai food is meat of chaos.  It was quite yummy.  🙂

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2 Responses to “Arrival in Shanghai”

  1. Daria Says:

    Brittany, good luck is on your side because you expect it to be. As the old saying goes, “Give to the world the best you can and the best will come back to you.” This certainly is true for you. I am thrilled that you are getting all these perks. You deserve them because you are a good and friendly person who truly cares for others, whether old or new friends. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll continue to have a life filled with good things, great adventures and fulfilled happiness. Have a great time inChina!

Let me know what you think!